Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Near Mint Press Comics Podcast Review

The fellas over at "Comic Book Noise" have have put together a nice podcast review of mine and Clarence Pruitt's books, "Super World" and "the Experts #2."

Check out the podcast here.
(The review starts around the 4:00 minute mark).


Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Near Mint Press at SPACE Con.

This past weekend, I rented a table at the SPACE comic convention in Columbus, Ohio. This particular con was for self-publishers only... so, if you had the $50 to pay for the table fee... then you were most welcome to schill yer wares. There was a lot of oddballs and oddball stuff there... it ran the gamut from extremely amateur stuff to hifalutin', introspective brouhaha.

I was pretty successful... I sold 40 books and drew many super hero sketches for cash.

Here's a link to further coverage of the SPACE con.
